We’ll negotiate for you, to give you more time and money for what matters most.

Medical and legal bills can derail the most carefully crafted financial plans. What could you do if those bills were less?




What could you do if your bills were less?

Bill Equity

Our team of attorney-trained professionals will negotiate a reduction in your legal or medical bill …or you pay nothing.

Our mission is to create bill equity. We believe that it’s not what you make, it’s what you keep. When we’re busy, it’s difficult to spend time negotiating bills. Using a combination of data-driven metrics and attorney-trained negotiation experts, we’ll get you the deepest discounts on your legal and medical bills.

Medical and legal bills are often billed at top dollar premiums to account for the large amount of uncollected or deeply discounted debt. Who gets discounts to medical and legal debt? The people who are persistent and ask for it.


what would you do with the extra money you'd have if you recieved discounts on some of your medical and legal bills?

Are you too busy caring for an ill loved one to bother with negotiating discounts on your medical bills?

Are you suffering from legal fee sticker shock after a lengthy divorce or litigation matter?


Get in touch. Let us know about your questions or concerns and we’ll get back to you right away.

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